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Sarria to Portomarin…

I duly set off and met up in the dark with Diane…she is so kind. The weather has changed and although its about 24-26 degrees in the sun, the mornings are freezing.  Morning mists hang over everywhere and Diane lends me some socks to put on my hands as I hold my poles. You can see your breath.

We have to get to Portomarin but my voucher says that I will be picked up at the bridge and taken free of charge to my hotel!! That doesn’t feel good to me. But the Camino has taught me to trust a little.

The scenery is so peaceful and beautiful and we can still see for miles so we are high up. Now and again we pass little hippy outposts that sell jewellery, that has been mostly imported form India I think, but the places  have the attitude of Yogis and ‘peace to all’. They usually have coffee and toilet facilities so Diane dresses her feet and I rest my legs for five minutes or so and we are good.

I pass a little village where a vine is trained to grow over the pathway. Everywhere there are older people just going about their lives and preserving the ‘old ways’.

I start to itch. I had the worst night and I realise I have some bites. At first I think, well, its to be expected, but when you cant sleep and you get up in the night to spray and you take an extra antihistamine…its no fun.

I shelve the worries…I am nearly there..I cant believe that I am almost at the end. It has been the most trying excercise and I worry that I have worried people.

I reach Portomarin but no-one tells me that you pass over a bridge. Diane laughs and asks if anyone wants to jump!! My GOD…anyone would have Vertigo here…its dizzying.  I drop my phone and crack the screen.. Bernie would have a baby…i nearly did. It was so scary……  I ring my ‘hotel’ …the taxi is there waiting for me. I don’t know his name…I just say.

’ mi llamo Carol.’

He asks me to jump in so I do!!!! And off I go to my detached Swiss wooden chalet in the orchard. Of course I have to eat there….where else would I go…so I miss meeting the gang.

It is quite lovely really and I spend some time talking to 2 ladies, Judith and Carolina. Carolina’s husband is a physician and she takes one look at my swollen feet and explains how I MUST a massage them. Ok. I will.

Judith is more like me and is shocked at some of the standards nowhere meets. She is black  and educated and can’t  understand some of the backward approaches to everything…so we laugh and share experiences …and eat the salad!!

It was a bad night..I Itched. Went through the usual…6am and I am out of my sweet chalet with all my clothes dried…nobody is about to take to me back to the Camino…do I panic? NO…I just ring the reception in the pitch blackness and shout ‘HOLA”

The Boss strides up on his push bike…I raise my eyebrows ‘cos I ain’t getting on to the back of that!!!

No phew!!   He greets me with ‘Buenos Dias’ and opens the 4/4 Toyota and wisked me off. I’m grateful. they were lovely…but I did feel on my own…I will ring the company….I must get through today….