The road to Belorado

The countryside has changed from red earth and Rioja country to miles and miles of grain fields and sunflowers. The sunflowers are amazing. They stand so tall and you can see the fields because the leaves are still so green. But the poor old things, standing 5 to 6 feet high are finished. The lovely yellow heads are past their best and they hang down like maidens at the end of the dance when their sparkle has gone.  Fields and field s of them and people have gone up and drawn faces or their initials onto the blackened flower heads. We took pictures.

That apart, the journey was one of the worst for me. I’m not sure why because it was shorter. It was exposed and so hot. There was no relenting…open endless beautiful countryside but no end. I hurt, my feet burned so much…I wanted to quit but there was nowhere…you had to carry on..the road less travelled…

2 thoughts on “The road to Belorado”

  1. Love reading this Carol. You must be exhausted. Ran a half marathon on Sunday in delamere…Got an infected toe and blisters so God knows how I’d feel walking as far as you… Xxx

    1. Hi Kerry,

      Thanks so much and well done you for the marathon..I have to say this is tough for me but I’m just trying to focus on one day at a time. Xxx

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