Getting to Villafranca..

I know it was only 24 K after such a stupid long day yesterday…but it seemed enormous because my body hadn’t healed from the day before….and worst of all was the fact that there was a huge 30,7K the next day with the steepest climb of the whole Camino..

I can do this I thought. I have rested. But the thought of the following day was enormous.  Not to be disheartened…life is full of surprises…i stagger down into the village. I must be the house at the end of the town…and there I am. Its a corner …no bag!!! Oh my God and she takes me round the corner to get to my room which is up steps!! But my Menu de Dia was exceptional and it was clean.  I slept bout feeling so fearful of 30 K plus the steepest uphill?   I can do this  I thought…!!!!

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