El Burgo Ranero !!

I arrive clutching google maps to see where my bed is and holding onto the Camino app that has a little red line that tells me where I am.

As I arrive outside the bar area which always serves as a reception I am greeted by Diane.

”HEY, its Christmas Carol.” She hales. When you are really dusty and tired you have to fight to be polite. Maybe that is why I am doing this trek….to be a better person…to heal my heart…but all I want to do is hope my case has arrived and I have my room.

Of course neither happens…I approach the bar. I’m getting picky now, the Patron’s jeans don’t fit his bottom and the bar is crawling with flies! That’s ok , I think….its still early in Spanish terms. I collapse outside on a rickety table and order agua con gaz and a vino blanco.  Its all cool.

Diane is a nurse from Canada who says she is burnt out but has left a husband behind and ordered him to book her a full body massage when she returns and to pay for it??? She is in a lot of pain with inflamed tendons and her foot is taped up with black tape.  She walks through the pain. Her Physio says she has to rest but she says that it is not an option…she is a tough nurse.

I see my case arrive in the Jacotrans van and my room is ready…Cool.  I am so dusty and all the showers in these places have baths….maybe little, but hey….I soak.

Well what can I say…I refused the heated tapas….rabbit …and something else. Diane has filled me full of tales of the Camino bug…diorrhea and sickness….aaaagh!!!

Ok,   I make a decision… after chasing 3 Flies or mosquitos round my room which does have  a double bed!!! I’m not eating here.

I spray insect repellant liberally knowing there will be a pharmacy somewhere… I’ll kill the beggars…anyway.  The funny thing was that I pulled the bedcover over to reveal the sheets…they where white…but they didn’t fit? I had a single sheet over a double bed.??

All I can think of is that when I turn over in bed, the sheet will ravel round me which it did….I’ m exposed to midges or mozzies….aaagh!!! I’m not eating here.

Back down outside where the little rickety tables were, I rationalise . I’m ok . So all the Spanish older men come here to play Dominoes…that’s ok…I can write.

Im joined by Marta again.

“Its ok you keep writing, I have to sort my photos out again ..you keep writing…so I try…but its punctuated by conversation so I give up in the end. I take 2 phone calls!!! Unheard of. How lovely.

I ask them to join me for dinner cos I ain’t eating here. So naughty of me but Ive been safe so far. I look on Tripadvisor…me on Tripadvisor…!!!! ..and it sends me to a place on the main high street. Marta and Barbara are glued to me so we set off. I find a lovely little garden restaurant complete with one of those trampoline things for the children. Well….Barbara went on about people breaking their necks and being paralysed on these things and all I can think of …is my American babes and Australian babes have one of these in the garden.. ‘This is NOT  conducive to a good night’s sleep.

We take pictures none the less and have good BON HOMIE?

But I don’t sleep…the Mozzies might get me. Every time in the heat of the night, I turn over, the bed is uncomfortable and I’m naked with no covering. Not a pretty sight.

I think in the night that I will do better tomorrow. ??‍♀️???

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